Thursday, September 13, 2007

the Signe Anderson Health Fund

Signe Anderson is an original member of the band Jefferson Airplane. It's her alto voice you hear on their first album, "Jefferson Airplane Takes Off" and such tracks as 'High Flyin' Bird', 'Blues from an Airplane' and others. Today, Signe Anderson is battling cancer. And she and her family are dealing with enormous medical bills.
The Signe Anderson Health Fund has been set up at Click the 'Make a Donation' button to give whatever you can (all donations are through Paypal - you don't have to be registered with Paypal to give). After Paypal's transaction fees, every penny will go to Signe and her family.
Please help Signe Anderson and her family through this fight by helping to ease their financial worries. And spread the word, online and off-, about the Signe Anderson Health Fund.

And if you'd like an audio PSA to run in your stream, podcast, or on your website, one is availible at (scroll down to the third paragraph in the main column). Right click on the mp3 file to save it.
(Thx to 'Craig the Airplane Man' for the info)
Love and Peace, Clarence

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