On Tuesday, June 26th, OlioRadio, along with all music stations on Live365.com, AccuRadio, KCRW.org, and many other Internet Radio Broadcasters, will observe a Day of Silence. On that day all Listeners will hear ambiant-style "quiet music" interspersed with announcements detailing why this is happening & what Listeners can do to help save U.S.-based internet radio.
In March 2007, the Copyright Royalty Board (authorised by the U.S.Copyright Office) changed the Copyright Royalty rates paid by all legally-operating U.S.-based interner radio broadcasters. The new rates, retroactive to January 1, 2006, will amount to 100% or more of virtually all internet broadcasters' revenue. In other words, it will take every penny (or more) that a webcaster makes just to pay the copyright royalties on the music we play. And for the thousands of us who do this as a hobby and don't have Any revenues, it's impossible.
On July 15th, all royalties under the new rate (over and above what we paid under the old rate) from January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 will be due. With the new rate, almost all U.S.-based Internet Radio will close down for good. The only chance to keep "on the air" is passage of the Internet Radio Equality Act, which has been introduced in both the U.S.House and Senate. The Act would set copyright royalties at 7.5% of revenus, which is about the same as satellite radio pays. This would be a higher rate than we pay now, but it would be affordable for most internet broadcasters.
The Day of Silence is meant to let Listeners hear what U.S.-based Internet Radio will sound like after July 15th if the Internet Radio Equality Act is not passed. Please call, write, or email your House member and the Senators from your state and ask them to pass this legislation before July 15th so that your favorite internet stations aren't turned off permanently. If you need more info about how to contact your representatives, or simply want to know more, go to
OlioRadio will proudly participate in the Day of Silence. More Internet Radio broadcasters will be announcing their participation between now and Tuesday, June 26th. Join with us, and tens of thousands who've already contacted their Congressional reps, to Save 'Net Radio!
Love and Peace, Clarence Jones