Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Home Design for CJ's Radio Olio

There's a new design for the CJ's Radio Olio site. A huge thanks to Open Source Web Design, and to Designer Dimiter Petrov for creating the 'Ordered Boxes' template & making it availible from OSWD for free. It's a lot cleaner code (so it should load into your browser faster) & easier to read.
There's also been some updates of the pages. All of this was done to make it easier for you, the listeners, to find the info you need. And, even though it's Yahoo!Geocities, there are NO popup ads on the site. Promise.
And remember, The Becky Juro Podcast is now on CJ's Radio Olio eight times a week. Listen to Becky's views and to The Olio's mixture of 100 years of Music from Vaudeville to Shoegazer for enjoyment, stimulation, and variety. Truly this is Extreme Freeform Radio!
Love and Peace, Clarence

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