"They Bombed in Houston", a powerful audio documentary from early 1971, will be played on OlioRadio starting at 6pm Wednesday August 18th. It was a rarity: a documentary produced by a Commercial radio station (KAUM) about attacks against a non-Commercial radio station(KPFT) in their same market.
During 1970 & early 1971, a systematic campaign of Harassment,Threats, & Bombings were directed against people in Houston,TX who committed the 'crimes' of:
Growing their hair long,
Believing the Freedom of Religion meant you could choose to believe in an unpopular religion,
Believing that Freedom of Speech meant you could publicly make unpopular statements.
For this, they were verbally & physically harassed, threatened with guns & even a hunting arrow through the front door of a legally-operating business,
& their businesses were fire-bombed & dynamited, including twice a FCC-approved, legally-operating licensed radio station.
This is how it was in many places in the USA during the late-60's to early-70's. It wasn't all Peace & Love & Freedom. It occasionally was War in the USA.
This documentary Includes voices from all sides. It will open your eyes, or remind you of how it was in The Real World, not the paisley haze that popular histories make it out to have been.
"They Bombed in Houston", a 41 minute audio documentary, will be webcast on OlioRadio at these times:
Wednesday August 18th at 6pm USCDT (11pm UTC), and Thursday August 19th through Sunday August 22nd at 2am USCDT (7am UTC), 10am USCDT (3pm UTC), and 6pm USCDT (11pm UTC). Listen by going to http://olioradio.net ( player on left side of page) or http://www.live365.com/stations/claren44 (mouse over barcode logo- click play arrow when appears). Once the audio begins, you can minimize either page/tab & the stream should continue to play.
Please contact me with your reactions, thoughts, & opinions on the program at olioradio[at]gmail.com, on Twitter @clarencejones, or in the comments to this blog post.
I hope you can listen & look forward to your reactions!
Clarence Jones