Saturday, January 27, 2007

CJ's Radio Olio is now OlioRadio!

In retailing, this is called a "cold Opening": opening your doors for business before the scheduled date (online, it's called Beta, but that word has been much abused). As of this moment, OlioRadio is Alive!
CJ's Radio Olio, 5 years old Feb.1, has metamorphosed into OlioRadio. New website ( - new quality (56k stereo mp3, great for Broadband Listeners) - and, a bunch o' new tracks! Listen in to OlioRadio, home of a Dozen Decades of Cool Music!

Love & Peace, Clarence

Friday, January 19, 2007

CJ's Radio Olio: changes a-comin'

On (or about) February 1st, a New Olio! Better sounds! New website! With the same variety of music that you know and love! Join our 5th Anniversary celebration at CJ's Radio Olio, where things just keep getting better.
Love and Peace, Clarence

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Godspeed BP

Benny Parsons, 1973 NASCAR season Champion, 1975 Daytona 500 winner, and long-time race announcer, died today at age 65.
story on That's Racin' site
BP was one of the finest people on Earth. My thoughts to his family, & to those fortunate enough to have met him during his life.
We'll miss you, Big Guy.

Love and Peace, Clarence

Monday, January 1, 2007

"Lost! in Loneliness..."

Brother James Brown on Letterman
The audience doesn't get into the theatricality, but James gives up the music anyways
Rest in The Groove, Godfather

Love & Peace, Clarence